Map/Illinois/Park Forest

Park Forest personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $49,090

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

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Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $40
ENERGY Electrician $140
ENERGY Insulation $250
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

Park Forest

Park Forest, IL is a planned community established in 1948, known for its innovatively designed neighborhoods and commitment to sustainability. With a population of about 21,000, it boasts abundant green spaces and cultural amenities, including the Illinois Theatre Center and Tall Grass Arts Association. The village's rich diversity and forward-thinking policies have made it a model for post-war suburban development.

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energy icon


Park Forest, IL has made strides in energy efficiency by implementing various programs and initiatives to reduce energy consumption and promote renewable sources. The village has participated in community solar programs, allowing residents to benefit from solar energy without the need for individual installations. Local buildings have been retrofitted for improved energy conservation, with updates including LED lighting systems, energy-efficient HVAC systems, and improved insulation. The municipality has also encouraged the installation of smart thermostats in homes, which has led to significant savings on heating and cooling. The adoption of energy-efficient appliances is incentivized through rebate programs offered in partnership with energy providers. Through public education campaigns, the village has promoted behaviors that lead to energy savings, further bolstering community-wide efficiency. Additionally, Park Forest collaborates with regional partners to explore advancements in green energy technologies, positioning itself as a forward-thinking community in the realm of sustainable energy use.

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Water efficiency in Park Forest, IL is a priority, with the village implementing measures to conserve this vital resource. Park Forest's infrastructure has been upgraded to reduce water loss, including the repairing and replacing of aging water lines. The village promotes water-efficient landscaping, encouraging the use of native plants that require less irrigation. Rain barrel programs are in place to promote the collection of rainwater for gardening, further conserving potable water. Park Forest regularly conducts water quality testing to ensure the health and safety of its residents, while also maintaining a robust water conservation education program. Incentives for the installation of low-flow faucets, showerheads, and dual-flush or low-flush toilets in homes have been successful in reducing water usage. The village also has strict watering restrictions during peak summer months to minimize wasteful water use. These measures collectively contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of Park Forest's water management practices.

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Transportation efficiency in Park Forest, IL is enhanced by several initiatives aimed at reducing vehicle emissions and promoting alternative modes of transit. The village supports a well-connected network of bike paths and walking trails, encouraging non-motorized forms of transportation. Public transportation options are promoted through the integration of local bus services and commuter rail lines that connect Park Forest to the greater Chicago area. Park Forest has also incentivized the use of electric vehicles (EVs) by installing EV charging stations at strategic locations, making it more convenient for residents to own and operate EVs. The village's zoning policies support transit-oriented development, thereby reducing the need for long vehicle commutes. Carpooling and ride-sharing are encouraged through local programs and community campaigns. These efforts not only contribute to a reduction in traffic congestion and improved air quality but also align with Park Forest's commitment to creating a transportation system that is both efficient and sustainable.

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Park Forest, IL has taken proactive steps to reduce waste and encourage recycling among its residents. The village has a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a broad range of materials, significantly diverting waste from landfills. It also organizes periodic electronic waste collection events, facilitating the proper disposal of electronic items and preventing toxic substances from contaminating the environment. The community is encouraged to participate in a yard waste collection program, which not only reduces waste but also produces compost that is used to enrich local soil. A local hazardous waste collection program is available to safely dispose of items like batteries, paints, and chemicals. Park Forest provides education on waste reduction techniques, such as composting at home and choosing products with minimal packaging. The village has set waste reduction goals and is involved in regional initiatives aimed at minimizing waste generation and maximizing recycling and reuse efforts.